Why is AC installed in ATM? Why is AC installed in ATM room?

The answer to most of you would be that if you are engaged for AC customers in ATMs, you are wrong. Today we will talk about why AC is installed in the ATM machine, while no person stays in the ATM for a long time?

Actually banks put AC in their ATM room not to give frost to their customers but to cool the ATM machine. Well now you will think that why cool the ATM machine? 

As we know that the integrated computer which is installed in the ATM machine for the transaction process, it keeps running 24×7. Due to continuous work, the microprocessor and other devices in the computer are not able to withstand the high heat and can get damaged. Due to which the ATM room is AC installed.

 The microprocessor is the most heat sensitive inside the ATM room. However, any microprocessor has its own circuit breaker which breaks or blocks the circuit after a certain heat, which we know as 'computer hang' due to which the microprocessor or other parts burn out. are saved.

ATM machines are running continuously for 24 hours, due to which there is always a possibility of hanging, so to keep the ATM cool, ACs are installed in the ATM room.


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